


The 圣安东尼奥学院 Adjunct Faculty council focuses on the following goals: increasing the visibility and participation of the SAC adjunct 教师 in the college community; encouraging activities which support adjunct 教师 interaction to promote professional development and interaction with the full time 教师; providing a voice for adjunct 教师 on issues affecting the community of students, 教师, 政府, and classified staff; and pursuing fair, equitable working conditions and pay for adjunct 教师. 此外, 委员会提供一个论坛,讨论兼职教员关心的问题,并向学院和地区机构提出建议,以加强兼职教员的声音. 
我们相信,通过实现这些目标, we will enhance our most important mission-the education of students. 

第一节.    普通会员应包括兼职和全职兼职教师和继续教育兼职教师受雇于圣安东尼奥学院. 
第二节.    Adjuncts from any department can serve as representatives. 
第三节.    The SAC President or an appointed designee will advise the Council. 

To serve as Council members, adjuncts must met the following requirements: 
1.    承诺至少服务1年可续期. 
2.    在所有与理事会有关的活动中,以专业和合议的态度,树立良好的品格和操守. 
3.    在SAC至少教过两个学期. 


主席的正常任期, 副主席, 记录的秘书, and representatives of the Council shall be one year with no limit on the number of terms.


第一节. 所有理事会成员须 
A.    Exemplify good character and manifest conduct that reflects positively on the Council and 圣安东尼奥学院. 
B.    Attend and participate in regular council meetings and executive sessions. 
第二节. Duties of the Officers: The Council shall select three officers: a Chair, 副主席, 和代表的记录秘书. 
A.    主席:主席履行以下职责: 
1.    Preside at the regular Council meetings and executive sessions; 
2.    May cast a deciding vote in the event that Council representatives are evenly divided on an action issue. 
3.    根据需要代表安理会. 
4.    Shall ask another member to represent the Council in the event that the Chair is unable to represent the Council. 
5.    在安理会成员的协助下,并在主席或其指定人员的建议下,制定安理会会议议程. 
6.    如有需要,经出席会议的立法会过半数成员的意见及同意,委任理事会成员或全体成员担任特别委员会或执行特别任务. 
B.    副主席: The 副主席 will conduct these activities: 
1.    Preside over Council meetings in the absence of the Chair. 
2.    Maintain order at all meetings according to Robert's Rules of Order. 
C.    记录的秘书: The 记录的秘书 shall fulfill these duties: 
1.    Keep minutes of regular Council meetings and Executive Sessions. 
2.    每次会议结束后十(10)天内向主席提交一份打印的会议记录副本,并通过电子邮件发送给所有代表. 
3.    提供经批准的理事会定期会议记录,并将其刊登在适当的电子网站上,供兼职人员使用. 
4.    Maintain a current list of Council membership including name, email address, and telephone number. 
5.    Preserve in a file all records of value to the Council to include a chronological file of all minutes. 
第三节. Duties of Representatives: Representatives shall fulfill these duties: 
A.    如有需要,积极寻求兼职人员在委员会任职. 
B.    为理事会会议做好准备. 
C.    当不能出席理事会会议时,从选区中选出一名替补,并在会议前通知主席. 候补代表应代表代表投票. 
Dismissal of a Council officer or representative shall occur only upon the most serious of concerns to include, 但不限于, 以下几点: 
A.    Failure to fulfill the duties, to attend meetings, or to provide an alternate. (见出勤政策附录) 
B.    Failure to observe policies set forth in the Council Bylaws. 
C.    结束在圣安东尼奥学院的兼职工作. 
Dismissal shall take place during the Council meeting in executive session called by the Chair 
为了这个目的. 在讨论解雇理由后, the Council shall vote with a simple majority required to dismiss. 

第一节.    这把椅子, 副主席, and 记录的秘书 shall be elected by the Council representatives at an executive session by majority vote. 
第二节.    If an officer or representative can no longer fulfill his or her duties, 他或她将向有关选区的领导人递交辞职信,要求他或她作出新的任命,以完成即将出缺的任期. 保持安理会的充分代表权, the constituency leader shall fill a vacancy within 30 days after the resignation. 

第一节.    Council meetings shall be conducted according to the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Council. 
第二节.  执行会议 
A.    Executive sessions of the Council are 关闭d to all but Council members. Advisers to the Council may attend, if requested by the Council. 
B.    执行会议应由主席召集. 
第三节. 立法会定期会议 
A.    Meetings are open to all 圣安东尼奥学院 adjuncts, guests, and the media. 
B.    会议应由理事会决定. 

The Council shall have the following standing committees. 这把椅子 may create additional committees and subcommittees as needed: 
第一节.    Policy and Governance Committee: This committee and any subcommittees will explore issues of concern to adjuncts, develop and propose methods by which such issues might be addressed. 
第二节.    Professional Development and Recognition Committee: This committee helps plan, 准备, 并实施活动,以提高兼职作为专业教育者的整体有效性,并将扩大对兼职成就的支持和认可. Members will also encourage adjuncts to participate in 圣安东尼奥学院 professional development opportunities.第三节.    规章制度委员会: 
A.    附例的解释:该委员会须协助立法会解释附例中任何有疑问的部分. 
B.    Amendments to the Bylaws: In the event of a proposal for amendment, the committee will examine the amendment and present recommendations to the Council as appropriate. 

第一节.    任何修订附属学院校董会附例或采纳新附例的建议,须在校董会定期会议上提交校董会. 
第二节.    附属学院须在校董会就《十大网赌正规网址下载》的修订采取行动前至少两星期接获建议修订的通知. 
第三节.    主席应将章程修订建议列入新业务项下的议程,供理事会定期会议讨论. 
第四节.    这把椅子 shall call an Executive Session of the Council to vote on the proposed 
第五节.    Proposed amendments must receive a simple majority affirmative vote for adoption. 

These Bylaws shall go into effect immediately upon approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the 

本政策旨在支持圣安东尼奥学院兼职教师委员会(AFC)中所有当选或任命的兼职教师代表的全部贡献。. All adjunct 教师 representatives will receive a copy of this official policy. 这项政策每年审议一次. The policy has been reviewed and authorized by the 兼职教职员委员会. 

当代表成员在没有事先通知亚足联主席的情况下连续三次缺席时,就会出现兼职教员委员会成员出勤问题. 缺席是指代表出席亚足联传统的九次会议和/或由附属学院理事会主办的活动, i.e., the annual Adjunct Faculty reception held at the beginning of the fall semester. 

如果一个当选/任命的兼职教务委员会成员存在出勤问题, the AFC Chair will promptly contact the member to discuss the problem. 成员的答复和主席的决定将在亚足联下次会议上由主席与整个亚足联分享.