
Our Three Pillars

Water 资源

The coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources maximizes environmental, economic and social welfare in an equitable manner, and without compromising the sustainability of our vital ecosystems. We use a cross-sectoral approach based on the understanding that water resources are natural, social and economic resources that must be protected, 有价值的, conserved and restored. In order to effectively and holistically manage our water quality and quantity, private and public stakeholders must collaborate across all water uses and boundaries. Eco Centro supports efforts to conserve municipal water supplies, reduce nonpoint source pollution and improve management of our limited water supplies.

Urban Food Production

Urban agriculture increases access to healthy, 当地种植的, and culturally appropriate sources of food. Growing and sharing food builds wealth in disinvested and underserved neighborhoods while preserving green spaces, providing places for neighbors to come together, and building community cohesion. Urban food systems lessen the burdens of food insecurity, 糖尿病, heart disease and other nutrition related health impacts. Locally grown food increases climate resilience, captures and stores carbon, creates urban wildlife and pollinator habitat, improves watershed health, reduces pollution, generates jobs and grows 当地的 economies. Eco Centro operates an 4.1 acre urban farm on 圣安东尼奥’s Eastside and a micro-farm at 圣安东尼奥 大学. Eco Centro collaborates with 当地的 partners to create pathways for sustainable, 当地的, urban food systems where our community can access healthy, nutritious food.  

Green Building

Green buildings by design, construction and operation create positive impacts on our climate, natural and social environments. Green buildings preserve natural resources and improve the quality of life for occupants. Eco Centro offers educational workshops and professional training on green building to support the Alamo 大学 区, 房主, 当地的 businesses and 当地的 municipalities to build better buildings and aid in their efforts to change the paradigms around the built environment.



玫瑰弗洛雷斯, 导演
Rose Flores is the 导演 of Eco Centro at 圣安东尼奥 大学 in 圣安东尼奥, Texas. Rose leads the Eco Centro Team in providing quality community education on topics that cover sustainable practices such as water conservation, urban food production and green building practices. She comes from 帕洛阿尔托 大学 where she was an Assistant Professor and a Program Lead for the Horticultural Sciences Program where along with teaching, she oversaw the development, installation and operation of the campus community garden and 1-acre vineyard. She brings her passion for promoting soil health and addressing the food insecurity issue to the Eco Centro team. Rose has a BS in Agriculture and an MS in Integrated Agriculture Sciences from Texas State University and considers herself a lifelong student. In her free time, you can find her in community gardens, greenhouses and shopping for plants to sustain her plant collecting habit. 

Jovanna Lopez, Urban Agriculture 社区 Coordinator
Jovanna Lopez is an Urban Agriculture 社区 Coordinator at Eco Centro and a farmer at the Garcia Street Farm, a community farm on 圣安东尼奥’s Eastside. She has over 10 years of experience working in urban farming/gardening and community health.

通润梅茨, Urban Agriculture Operations Coordinator
Torin works at Eco Centro and Garcia Street Farm and helps with the planning and implementation of agriculture initiatives.

Jason Rodriguez, Conservation Event Coordinator
Jason Rodriguez is Eco Centro’s Conservation Event Coordinator and 社区 Conservation Presenter. He has worked with many organizations including 圣安东尼奥 River Authority, U.S. Forest Service, the solar industry, and public education. Jason supports conservation through work and education by volunteering and participating in public engagement initiatives. His academic background includes a BS in Resource & Environmental Studies focused on surface and groundwater resources. You can find Jason during his free time near or in water kayaking and fishing, on land hiking, 野营, and surveying cave systems 当地的ly and in Mexico. He believes that continuing education is the best way for each of us to become more connected to the natural world and become better stewards of our natural resources for the betterment of all. 

Savannah Santos, Urban Agriculture Campus Coordinator
In addition to managing 圣安东尼奥 大学 garden spaces, Savannah specializes in bridging connections between campus programs and student success. She has worked with students through her previous role as an Academic Lab Technician for the Campus Greenhouse with the 帕洛阿尔托 大学 Horticultural Science Program.

Ariana Fuentes, Urban Farm Specialty and Native Crop Specialist
Ariana Fuentes is the Urban Farm Specialty and Native Crop Specialist at Eco Centro and a farmer at the Garcia Street Urban Farm. As well as helping with the management and maintenance of the farm and Eco Centro’s gardens, Ariana specializes in design, native plants and youth programs and helps with the management and maintenance of the many Eco Centro and Garcia Street Urban Farm spaces.

Cynthia Baker, Administrative Services Specialist
Cynthia Baker is the Administrative Services Specialist for Eco Centro, whose background includes education in environmental studies with a focus in ecology and many years of professional experience in the field of education. Cynthia’s role at Eco Centro focuses on providing the Eco Centro/Garcia Street Farm team with administrative support, and providing resources and information pertaining to Eco Centro’s mission to SAC students, 教师, 和工作人员, as well as 圣安东尼奥 community members.