学生无障碍服务 (Formerly known as Disability Support Services)



库兹韦尔视频指南  库兹韦尔书面指南  

根据1973年康复法案第504条, 十大网赌正规网址官网致力于确保所有课程, 服务, and facilities are accessible to and provide equal opportunities for education to all students.

The 学生无障碍服务 office at SAC coordinates accommodations for students with permanent and temporary disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.


The mission of 学生无障碍服务 (SAS) at 圣安东尼奥学院 (SAC) is to provide reasonable accommodations and facilitate access to on-campus courses as well as distance education for students with disabilities.  

如果你的家乡大学是SAC, 请填写以下表格, 申请残疾人士服务的适用步骤: 

Please Note that Requests for Accommodations for the Spring 2024 semester will not be accepted until after November 1, 2023

How to Request Disability Services for Class Accommodations for NEW SAC students with Disabilities

Please Note that Requests for Accommodations for the Spring 2024 semester will not be accepted until after November 1, 2023

要开始这个过程,请完成 “申请残疾人士班级住宿支援服务”

为了提交您的请求,您是 要求 附上以下资料:

  • 残疾证明文件


  • 高中特殊教育记录(504,IEP, ARD)
  • 有残疾诊断的医疗记录
  • 心理健康诊断
  • 任何军人/退伍军人伤残记录
  • 任何其他证明文件
  • Documents can be scanned by using your Smart Device and downloading any Free App, 比如Evernote Scannable

Once we have received your “Request for Disability Support Services for Accommodations” with the 要求 documents, we will contact you to review next steps to secure an Intake Appointment at the phone number and/or email that is specified on your request form. 请务必检查两个. 

Allow up to 10 business days (Excludes Weekends and Holidays) after submission to be contacted by Disability Services staff.


住宿不具有追溯力. Accommodations begin the day the letter is sent to professors with the exception of testing. Professors should have at least 24 hours’ notice to prepare for making arrangements for accommodated testing. 

How to Request Disability Services for Class Accommodations for RETURNING SAC students with Disabilities

Please Note that Requests for Accommodations for the Spring 2024 semester will not be accepted until after November 1, 2023

要开始这个过程,请完成 “申请残疾人士班级住宿支援服务”  


  • A copy of your disability documentation must already be on file with the disABILITY Support Services office PRIOR to providing accommodations.
  • Students receive copies of their letters of accommodation via their ace email account.

Allow up to 10 business days (Excludes Weekends and Holidays) after submission to be contacted by Disability Services staff.


住宿不具有追溯力. Accommodations begin the day the letter is sent to professors with the exception of testing. Professors should have at least 24 hours’ notice to prepare for making arrangements for accommodated testing. 

How to Notify the SAS office for a new SCHEDULE CHANGE after I have submitted a Class Accommodations form



住宿不具有追溯力. Accommodations begin the day the letter is sent to professors with the exception of testing. Professors should have at least 24 hours’ notice to prepare for making arrangements for accommodated testing. 


How to Request Disability Services if your home college is NOT 圣安东尼奥学院

Please complete your "Request for Disabiltiy Services" with your home college:

  1. 一旦你的残疾服务申请被批准, the home college will notify the respective sister college(s) of your co-enrollment status.

  2. The student will be contacted via phone and/or student email from 每一个 co-enrollment college to set up a new intake for accommodations meeting.

  3. 每个联合注册课程的住宿要求将被审查.

PLEASE NOTE: Medical documentation can be electronically transferred between the 阿拉莫大学’ 学生无障碍服务 offices. 住宿通知书将于 每一个 你上的是十大网赌正规网址官网.    

住宿不具有追溯力. Accommodations begin the day the letter is sent to professors with the exception of testing. Professors should have at least 24 hours’ notice to prepare for making arrangements for accommodated testing. 



The Interpreting Services Manager coordinates interpreting 服务 and on-boarding 服务 to new students.

为了获得服务资格, 学生必须提供残疾证明文件.

口译服务经理的面试将开始. 该链接将提供该表单.



For classes through high school campuses, accommodations will be made by the high school counselor. 

为在线, 由十大网赌正规网址官网教授的双学分课程, 住宿可以通过十大网赌正规网址官网提供.


If you are taking a 圣安东尼奥学院 class and would like to request accommodations, 请完成上面第一个红色标签中列出的流程, “How to Request Disability Services for Class Accommodations for NEW SAC students with Disabilities.”

小时 & 联系信息

星期一,星期三,星期四,星期五.m. - 5 p.m.
星期二8点.m. - 7 p.m.
每月的第一个星期六.m. - 1 p.m.

1819 N. 主要大街.




