

丰田汽车德州制造有限公司. (TMMTX) celebrated 15 years since opening the doors of its South Side plant on Friday, Oct. 19, 也是帕洛阿尔托学院的长期合作伙伴, TMMTX批准了15美元,为支持帕洛阿尔托学院的科学事业捐款, 技术, 工程和数学(STEM)计划.

"We have a long legacy of giving back to our community through our community partners. They're a key part of our commitment to supporting the communities in which we live and we work,Kevin Voelkel说, TMMTX高级副总裁. “通过战略性和专注于关键领域, we strive to form meaningful relationships that ultimately strengthen the community."

财政捐款被授予帕洛阿尔托学院, University Health System; alternative energy company EPIcenter; and special needs nonprofit Eva's Heroes. The donations made during the celebration bring TMMTX's philanthropic distributions over the last 15 years to a total of $45 million dollars.

与TMMTX这样的公司合作, 圣安东尼奥南部最大的雇主, 对帕洛阿尔托学院的持续发展至关重要. 除了资助计划和奖学金, partnerships provide 帕洛阿尔托学院 students with direct experience through summer internships, 工作见习, and mentoring from industry professionals to help prepare them prior to entering the workforce.

“8月份,就业人数创历史新高. 在全国范围内, 大约有700万个职位空缺, and here's the tough part – there's actually not enough trained workers to fill those jobs,U说。.S. 森. 德克萨斯州共和党议员约翰·科宁在TMMTX庆祝活动上说. "What's happening here in 圣安东尼奥 is the vocational training and workforce development. 艰苦的工作从我们当地的社区大学开始, high schools that have options for students to study vocational training... help provide a trained workforce to meet the needs of employers like Toyota."

In an effort to support the growing demands in STEM fields in the greater 圣安东尼奥 region, 帕洛阿尔托学院 has spent several years developing and cultivating its STEM strategy to enhance early educational access opportunities, 制作高水准节目, and provide 奖学金 to help increase students' access to STEM programs.

Over the last few years, 帕洛阿尔托学院 has received several competitive grants totaling $6.4 million to enhance STEM accessibility for students pursuing a STEM-related degree through academic resources, 奖学金, 研究, 以及其他活动. 最近5年,3美元.美国政府拨款8700万美元.S. 教育部允许我们创建一个新的2,200 square-foot STEM Center within the Brazos Hall building that serves as a central location for STEM programs, 服务, 以及学术支持, 同时也是小组学习的合作空间, 辅导, STEM俱乐部会议, 同伴指导, 学术顾问, 职业准备, 奖学金的信息, 传输信息, 和更多的.

关于早期访问, specialized high school partnerships with Harlandale ISD's STEM Early 大学 High School and Southwest ISD's CAST STEM high school were championed to allow dually-enrolled 帕洛阿尔托学院 students an opportunity to begin a focused education in a particular STEM career field while earning college credits as early as their freshman year of high school.

另外, 帕洛阿尔托学院 began offering free STEM summer camps thanks to a substantial grant that allows children ages 11-17 access to specialized educational opportunities like She Code Connect™, 一个独特的, all-girls summer camp offered in partnership with organizations like Youth Code Jam Coding Camps. 透过我们的计算拨款策略, 帕洛阿尔托学院 has doubled STEM camp offerings from 2017 to 2018, 今年为350多名学生提供服务.

Local area businesses and chamber of commerce partnerships have also been a priority towards increasing our offerings in STEM. 11月11日星期六. 3, 帕洛阿尔托学院 will partner with the 圣安东尼奥 Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for the 9th Annual CORE4 STEM Family Day as part of 圣安东尼奥 STEM Week. 作为社区的免费活动, CORE4 STEM Family Day provides students and their families to visit a college campus, 通常是第一次, and participate in hands-on STEM-related activities that help them discover their potential in these areas and show them the exciting aspects of the sciences. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 阿拉莫.edu/pac/CORE4STEM.

The opportunities for our community to see the many different types of STEM careers that are available can help drive the passion of 圣安东尼奥's future workforce. Whether students ultimately seek a career in a STEM field or pursue another passion, 帕洛阿尔托学院's collective focus will continue to provide all students with every resource possible to be successful throughout their educational journey in preparation for their future careers.