Dr. Arnoldo船帆座

船帆座,博士. Arnoldo
标题: 兼职教师|政府
部门: 人文学科

关于博士. Arnoldo船帆座

研究所:  公共服务


PhD | Latin American Studies | University of Texas at Austin

MBA | Business Administration | Chapman 大学, Orange California

BA | Philosophy | Kilroe Seminary 大学, Honesdale, PA


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经验丰富的...Dr. Vela joined the Air Force at the tail end of the Vietnam War and flew as a Radar Navigator in B-52s.  他也教西班牙语, 美国政治学, and International Relations at the Air Force Academy. While there, he took students to competitions at the Model OAS in Washington, D.C. 学员们在哪里赢了st place representing Argentina in 1990 and 2nd place representing Colombia in 1991.


Dr. Vela is a native Texan, born in Rio Grande City.  His first job after college was in 圣安东尼奥 as a Circulation Manager for the 圣安东尼奥 Express 新闻.  He left to join the Air Force in 1973.  Upon retiring as an Air Force Officer, he went to work as a Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. 国务院.  His first tour was as a consular officer in Ciudad Juarez where he provided citizen services to Americans in distress while also doing some political reporting on the Mexican presidential election of 1994. 之后, he served in management positions supporting embassy operations at the embassies of Tegucigalpa, 墨西哥城, 温得和克, 和太子港.  Key challenges included dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch in Tegucigalpa and the earthquake in Haiti  of 2010.  He also served as a Management Officer in  Sao Paulo, Brazil where he assisted with the visit of President Bush in 2007.  在华盛顿特区的访问中.C., he served as Staff Assistant and as International Relations Officer in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs.  A highlight in the latter position was reporting on the U.N. Mission of Observers in Prevlaka deployed to observe the demilitarization of the Prevlaka Peninsula during the Bosnian War.  On a separate Washington tour, he served  as a Pearson Fellow in the U.S. Senate with a portfolio of Defense, Foreign Affairs, and Trade.  And on a separate assignment with the Department of Defense, he served as Chief of the Democracy Division teaching courses on democracy for Latin American military officers and enlisted personnel in Spanish.  While there, he also taught security studies for U.S. military officers completing the Armed Forces Staff 大学 at Fort Benning, Georgia.  Since retiring, he has enjoyed teaching Federal and Texas Government at 西北维斯塔学院.  这是显而易见的, 他喜欢旅行。, 学习外语, and now teaching classes on  government. He relishes the opportunity to help students at NVC get a start that might lead to a career in public service.