


The 校董会 of the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 in collaboration with the chancellor, Dr. 迈克·弗洛雷斯,努力提供通往卓越的路线图. The points along the way on this map are called charges and are communicated to all stakeholders.

  • 活动的目标 是十大网赌正规网址官网区组织及其利益相关者在评估期间高度感兴趣的内容,并包括众议院第8号法案(2023年德克萨斯州立法会议)中概述的具体资助公式要素。. The achievement of 活动的目标 requires that they be specific and measurable. 

  • 监控目标 在评估期间,这些是十大网赌正规网址官网区及其利益相关者持续感兴趣和重要的吗. 监控目标 have often been an area of focus in previous evaluation periods. Their achievement continues to be of interest to the organization.

2023-2024年的费用不仅建立在前几年的努力上,以促进我们屡获殊荣的地区的持续改进和创新, 促进学生的经济和社会流动性, but also align with the new state-required emphasis on students' academic output. The board will receive regular updates on challenges and requirements to allow for potential budget adjustments. Allocation for staff engagement and development in shaping and adapting these academic objectives will be essential.



1. 学生公平与成功

通过表现出解决公平挑战和缩小绩效差距的意识和意愿,支持十大网赌正规网址官网区学生的公平和成功, 包括:

  • Support student equity to achieve equitable educational outcomes for all students, 重点关注学业上的弱势群体, 经济上的弱势群体, 服务水平低下的学生, 代表名额不足的学生, 第一代大学生, 以及25岁以上的学生.

  • 调整十大网赌正规网址官网的关键绩效指标,以反映众议院第8号法案(2023年德克萨斯州立法会议)中制定的新的资助公式. 开发一个全系统的投资组合,以确保这些学生的成功成果的实现和必要的资源再投资于组织.

  • Implement action plans to 关闭 identified performance gaps among student groups and monitor their impact.

  • 继续加强学生倡导网络的服务组合,为学生保留和完成学业提供关键的全方位支持服务.

  • 扩大对家长学生的支援服务, including possible expansion of childcare centers and drop-in services.
2. 价值凭证
  • 努力实现德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会和德克萨斯州在“建设人才强大的德克萨斯州”计划中概述的战略目标,增加我们的年度目标13,200 to 13,500度 & 证书的取得.

  • 为东北湖景学院的劳动力导向学士学位课程制定最终提案,以补充先前批准的四个学士学位课程的投资组合. Begin developing framework of evaluative data from 毕业生 to inform continuous improvement of the bachelor degree programs.

  • 通过地区大学转学契约和与德克萨斯州大学的新合作伙伴关系,继续提高课程转学一致性和转学率.

  • 利用AlamoINSTITUTES和转学指导指南/劳动力发展计划开发和实施硬连接转学合作计划,以确保ACD的学生转学到四年制大学,至少有15个学期的学分.
3. 经济及劳动力发展
  • 扩大和创建新的创新劳动力计划,以满足高工资和高要求职业和行业对人才的日益增长的需求.

  • Expand Ready to Work and continue to support the city/county’s goals on student completion and job placement.

  • 与市县合作, greaterSATX / SA WORX, and chambers of commerce to enhance the region's workforce development efforts.

  • Shorten students' time to certificate/degree completion and time to the labor market.
4. AlamoONLINE和数字学习
  • Build and strengthen each 大学’s capacity to deliver premier, quality digital learning experiences for AlamoONLINE students further enhancing enrollment, 保留, 和完成.

  • Develop a framework to support current capabilities such as recruitment, 课程设计, 评估, 职业规划, while incorporating emerging capabilities for successful digital learning. 衡量学习者生命周期中的数字能力, ultimately to support practical and sustainable approaches to digital services and online learning.

  • Provide technology and internet service at no- to low-cost to facilitate connection to Alamo 大学 区, 有一致的人员来支持这些需求.

  • 调整微凭证策略, 采用, 实现, 以及对德州人才强计划的投资.
5. 大学入学和毕业
  • 继续实施全面的十大网赌正规网址官网全区招生战略管理计划,以促进智能增长和增加市场渗透到社区.

  • 通过最近在贝尔县范围内扩展到73所公立高中和特许学校的AlamoPROMISE,确保持续的访问水平, 私人, 还有在家接受教育的学生. Continue to pursue collective impact strategies for increased funding.

  • Expand and improve 实现 of the various models and strategies including 4DX to achieve increased levels of persistence, 毕业生, and completers as set forth in our student success metrics and annual WIG.

  • Develop new strategies to support student attainment of House Bill 8 (2023 TX Legislative Session) milestones.

  • Identify areas of student/institutional challenges and set goals for improvement of student outcomes, including metrics that measure connection 和完成 success for Alamo 大学 区 learners.

  • Scale high school equivalency offerings with a diploma option and dual credit opportunities across the 十大网赌正规网址官网区.

  • 扩大对参加德州成功倡议评估(TSIA)大学准备考试的潜在ACD学生的预备支持.
6. 有竞争力的员工薪酬
  • Build a competitive employee compensation program for faculty, staff, and administrators.

  • 与相关团体合作,制定符合学院区招聘和留住高素质人才战略重点的可持续发展计划.
7. 高中课程——提高大学入学率
  • 通过包括双学分在内的综合高中课程,提高受教育程度,改善经济和社会流动性, 大学早期高中, P-Tech, 十大网赌正规网址官网, 以及其他项目模型.

  • 制定建议,确保50%的双学分学生在高中毕业时完成至少15个学期的双学分课程.

  • Successfully implement the downward expansion of the AlamoADVISE model to serve dually enrolled high school students.

  • Utilize new Financial 援助 for Swift Transfer (FAST) funding to expand AlamoBOOKS+ to all high school program partners.


8. 机构卓越和持续改进

Expand 实现 and refinement of continuous improvement activities, including but not limited to the three elements of the AlamoWAY:

  • 学生的成功
  • 道义性的领导
  • 性能卓越
9. 战略传播与营销

加强十大网赌正规网址官网区品牌, 同时通过有针对性的营销和沟通策略,提高对新出现的十大网赌正规网址官网区倡议的认识,例如:

  • 通过正式的沟通和营销委员会,增加十大网赌正规网址官网区在沟通和营销方面的协同和合作, councils and gatherings of subject matter experts across the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 family.

  • 加强与未来学生和家长的联系,通过社区联系和其他社区外展项目,鼓励社区和社区为基础的活动来鼓励入学.
10. AlamoEXPERIENCE和工作场所学习
  • Monitor and report on AlamoEXPERIENCE which will provide each graduating student with a workplace-based learning opportunity (i.e., apprenticeship, internship, 社区服务/服务学习, on-campus employment).

  • 开发和实施Earn & Learn component of AlamoEXPERIENCE allowing students to build professional social capital through apprenticeships, 社区服务/服务学习, 实习, 就业机会.
11. AlamoENGAGE和员工协作
  • 通过在最佳工作场所调查结果中确定的最佳改进机会,增加协作和团队合作.

  • Align the organization to reflect future economic demands.


校长办公室 校董会